Thursday, July 2, 2009


I am just not one of those people
Who are easily figured out
I keep my emotions bottled inside
And I don't think I ever shout

I sometimes write it on paper
But words just cannot express
And I rarely show others my writing
'Cause my lifes too much of a mess

So don't count on getting to know me
I'm impossible to understand
The things that I think and feel
Can really get out of hand

And don't think you've already got me
'Cause I'm very misunderstood
I'm not at all like you think I am
My life is not nearly that good

Don't say that you know how I'm feeling
You really don't have a clue
And has it not ever occured
That maybe I'm not like you

Don't tell me that it will get better
What wakes you so sure it can?
You don't even know what I'm facing
So how can you understand?

Don't act like you totally get it
It just does not work that way
Trust does not come at ease anymore
Don't act like it's such a great day

Don't tell me you know how I'm feeling
I'm tired of hearing lies
Don't act like you know me so well
'Cause if you did...
...You'd hear my painful cries.

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