Sunday, April 20, 2008


You shall have no other gods before Me
Who rules your heart? Is it God? Or is it something else? Do you give God your firstfruits or your last? Have you given Christ your heart your soul your talents, your time and your testimony, or have you given Him more than a few hours each Sunday morning?
In the book of Exodus, God warns that we should place no other gods before Him. Yet all to often, we place our Lord second , third or fourth place as we worship the gods of pride, greed, power or lust. When we unwittingly place possessions or relationships above,our love for the Creator, we must seek His forgiveness and repent from our sins.
Does God rule your heart? Make certain that the honest answer to this question is a resounding yes. In the life of every righteous believer, God comes first, and that's precisely the place that He deserves in your heart.

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