Sunday, April 20, 2008

Life is a Love Story

>--------------------Thought for the Day

Since I've been putting God's Word into my life, I've been taking out a lot of good things. I can describe it best as a kind of quiet satisfaction. I feel good. I feel right with the world, on the right side of the fence. As long as I put His Word into my life, almost everything I take out is good. The satisfaction you get out of living a righteous life is made up of a lot of little things. You have the ambition to do things you didn't feel like doing when you were steeped in sin.

Am I getting satisfaction out of living a righteous life?

>--------------------Meditation for the Day

Life is a Love Story

YOU need Me. I need you.

My broken world needs you. Many a weary troubled heart needs you. Many a troubled heart will be gladdened by you, drawn nearer to Me by you.

Health – Peace – Joy – Patience – Endurance, they all come from contact with Me.

Oh! It is a glorious way, the upward way, the wonderful discoveries, the tender intimacies, the amazing, almost incomprehensible, understanding. Truly the Christian Life – Life with Me – is a Love story. Leave all to Me.

All you have missed you will find in Me, the Soul's Lover, the Soul's Friend, Gather – Mother – Comrade – Brother. Try me.

You cannot make too many demands upon Me – nor put too great a strain upon My Love and Forbearance.

Claim – claim – claim – Healing – Power – Joy – Supply – what you will.

>--------------------Prayer for the Day

Father, we pray that we may see the beautiful horizons ahead on the upward way. We pray that we may keep going forward to the more abundant life.

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